Relax and have fun–reducing stress in a busy world

We live in an increasingly stress filled world, and stress contributes to the majority of diseases (both acute and chronic) plaguing us today: angina, asthma, autoimmune disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, the common cold, depression, type 2 diabetes, headaches, high blood pressure, immune suppression, irritable bowel syndrome, menstrual irregularities, PMS, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and ulcers1 (just to name a few).

How can you relieve stress? There are many techniques and methods, and it is very individual which ones will work best for you.

meditation and deep breathing – there are many meditative traditions that involve sitting, breathing and paying attention to your breath, and letting go of thoughts. Meditation does not need to be limited to sitting quietly and can be done at any time and with any activity. For example washing dishes can be a meditative activity if you breathe consciously and focus your attention on the dishes, letting other thoughts pass by. This can be done with many activities–reducing stress and at the same time helping you to focus on what you are doing and doing it well. Singing is also a great way to get in deep breaths.

active meditation – qi gong, tai chi, yoga. These activities provide a way for you to meditate while strengthening your body. Depending on the style each can be more gentle than other forms of exercise, making them appropriate for people of all ability levels.

acupuncture, homeopathy and herbs – acupuncture, homeopathy and herbs can all be used to calm the mind and body, and to help one break out of the cycle of stress.

prayer – if prayer is a part of your faith tradition it can be a wonderful way to let go of your worries and fears. Additionally, many faith traditions have forms of meditative prayer.

exercise (see page 3)

enjoying time with friends and family – social support is a significant way to reduce stress (as long as those relationships are not causing stress in the first place).

playing or listening to music

set aside down time – even just 15 minutes a day where nothing in particular needs to get done

touch – getting a massage, ballroom dancing, hugs, petting your cat or dog can all help you connect with others, relax and reduce stress.


have fun!

1. Pizzorno, Joseph & Michael Murray (2005). Textbook of Natural Medicine. Churchill Livingstone. 702.

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